Space To Dream available on OpenSea

Welcome to Space To Dream, the gateway between dualities.
This collection consists of 13 unique 1/1s. The images explore the complex area where opposites collide and we enter a moment that is in between. Characters appear in a disconcerting state, waiting for something to happen in a world that feels mysterious yet so familiar.
Space To Dream dives deep into the psyche with profound meaning and process that may not be entirely accessible for our conscious minds to comprehend entirely given that 95% of our brain's activity is beyond our conscious awareness.
Am I Awake? 20/20 Editions available on OpenSea
A careful balancing causes our mind to explore multiple numbers of unique routes to generate meaning. What is light on its own? You must embody the concept of balance and face the full extent of darkness before you can see and appreciate the true light, because light fights darkness by exposing it. In order to look for the signature of consciousness you must look at what lies beneath.

It's All a Tape Recording available on Foundation

What would happen if everything we see and experience around us, in fact, if life itself appeared to be just a tape recording, a deliberate direction of presence, a foreordained heading of nearness?
How would humanity evolve in a world where everything shows up regimented and predetermined and everybody appears to be acting?
Are we trapped in a prison of secrecy that the system has created and do we already have the key to unlock it?